
WARNING: On-line Posting or Discussion of USMLE Content Constitutes Irregular Behavior

If you post or discuss United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) examination content via the Internet, you will be in violation of the USMLE Rules of Conduct, as outlined in the USMLE Bulletin of Information. Examination content includes, but may not be limited to, questions, case content, and answers.

The Bulletin specifically advises that, ?you will maintain the confidentiality of the materials, including the multiple-choice items, and the case content for Step 2 CS and Primum CCS. You will not reproduce or attempt to reproduce examination materials through memorization or any other means. Also, you will not provide information relating to examination content that may give or attempt to give unfair advantage to individuals who may be taking the examination. This includes postings regarding examination content and/or answers on the Internet.?

The USMLE program continuously monitors Internet forums and chat rooms. Examinees who post information about examination content are identified and referred to the USMLE Committee on Irregular Behavior. If the Committee finds that you posted examination content, your scores may be delayed and you may be subject to the following sanctions:

* Permanent annotation of your USMLE transcript (such annotations will read ?Irregular Behavior/Security Violation? and will be seen by any entity that receives your transcript, i.e., residency training programs, state licensing authorities, etc.);
* A report to the Federation of State Medical Boards Board Action Databank (a central repository for formal actions taken against physicians and available to licensing and disciplinary boards, the military, governmental and private agencies, and organizations involved in the employment and/or credentialing of physicians);
* A bar from taking future administrations of USMLE.

A determination of irregular behavior can put your medical career in jeopardy. Do not endanger your career: Do not post information from exams you have taken and do not solicit others to provide such information.

For more information, refer to Testing Regulations and Rules of Conduct and Irregular Behavior in the USMLE Bulletin of Information, available on the USMLE website.
